After I conducted research about my genre chosen "thriller" I've sought for film opening that has inspired me and given me ideas of how to direct and film such a project and I believe I have found the perfect examples that will be displayed below.
The first one was the film Se7en (1995). The camera and editing techniques used for the opening scene of this film really amazed me. The fact that it was so different and how it wasn't a typical opening scene that automatically starts introducing the setting or character of the movie. This one leaves the audiences at the edge of the seat as the combination of fast editing, sound effects and content portrayed make one eager to know what it's all about. Worldwide Se7en made over $100 million profit.

For the second opening film, I chose the Joker (2019). I can't quite grasp the reasoning of how the opening scene made me feel something about the character in two minutes with just watching the opening film. The spontaneous introduction to the character without having any dialogue whatsoever really influenced me as an audience. This is something that I really look up to since the point of these kinds of the movie is to make the audiences feel show emotions towards the character or content of the film. The usage of color and music completely changed the perspective of the scene. Joker has grossed over $1 billion, and it's the first thriller movie to do such a thing in 2019.

Another great example I felt inspired by was the opening scene of Psycho (1960). This is a great example of the development of the opening film by depicting and establishing the setting of the plot. The combination and usage of long and establishing shots to determine the setting of the film really gave audiences a sense of what could happen depending on the setting or location the movie was going to take place. In addition to the setting, the incorporation of loud and suspenseful music for the first 30 seconds of the opening scene also gives a taste to audiences of what the movie really is going to develop into.

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