Thursday, March 19, 2020


Welcome back, It has been an odd week for the rest of the students at least in Broward County, with the rapid spread of the Coronavirus Epidemic, the schools have made the decision to shut down the system and remain in quarantine for at least 14 days. There are many unsolved questions but we have to keep going and see the positive side of it.
Our filming schedule had to change but we managed to find a way through it. We had to make some changes with the characters since others were not able to participate due to the quarantine. So we have incorporated a whole new cast crew for this project except for the main character.

First, we will have the Protagonist:

                                                               Ana Jurado-Blanco
                                                               Role: Main Character
                                                               Name: Ana Cubeddu
                                                               Height: 5'7
                                                               Color hair: Blonde
                                                               Color eyes: Hazel

 Personality:  Ana is the typical teenager who is seeking to find her true self, she is very kind and well known in town. She finds herself conflicted. She hopes for the best in people and is always giving the best of herself no matter how she feels on the inside. 

Then her "closest" friend: Alexandra Sanders.
 Played by: Isabel Jurado-Blanco
 Role: "Best Friend"
 Height: 5'5
 Hair color: Blonde
 Eye Color: Brown
 Personality: Alexandra is a very outgoing individual who is obsessed with her boyfriend Nate. She is basically the party animal. She is constantly consumed by social media, she doesn't care about what people think of her as long as she is the center of attention.

Third Character: Nathaniel Stuart

Played by: Juan Jurado-Blanco
Role: Alexandra's boyfriend
Height: 6'1
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Brown
Personality: Nathaniel goes by "Nate" one of the most popular boys in school, consumed by popularity and "fame" in his town. Very upfront and cocky attitude on first hand but on the inside, he is very kind and sweet. He hides his feelings to avoid getting hurt.

Drastic changes were made due to the consequences of human isolation because of the pandemic currently occurring. As we all do, we try to adapt and make the best out of these situations, I have been able to notice that all problems have a solution and when times like these come around we just have to look upfront, hope for the best and try to arrange one's schedule to proceed with the plans that have already been made.

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Well, I cannot believe I was actually able to make it all right. I am kind of sad that this extraordinary experience is really over! Here I ...