Sunday, February 23, 2020

Brainstorming on Storyboard.

Brainstorming on Storyboard.

For our opening film, we were inspired by the opening scene of the film Se7en. We won't follow a similar structure where a series of close-up shots, a dark color scheme is used, as well as fast editing. Plus a great usage of sound to intensify and create that sense of suspense to our audiences as they are watching it.

We plan on also rearranging the font size as well as the look of it to fit better the genre of the opening film. We thought of incorporating close-up shots of our character's journal and notebook. since our psychopath also has symptoms of OCD we thought that we would represent this as a fast close-up shot of his journal where he writes every step and move he does towards the murder of this woman or men.

We also wanted to incorporate the usage of close-up shots of his facial characteristics like his eyes, lips, cheeks, and hands to slowly reveal the face of the character. This way audiences will be eager to put recognize and know what the psychopath looks like.

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Well, I cannot believe I was actually able to make it all right. I am kind of sad that this extraordinary experience is really over! Here I ...