Ana Jurado.
Music Marketing Project.
For my music marketing project, my teammates and I decided to go with the genre of Pop. Currently, this genre is one of the most popular ones in the industry and tends to appeal to younger audiences which was our target audience. The genre pop is heard by many teenagers and individuals in their early 20s.
Current marketing trends withing our genre usually regard the world of online media where most of our audience is consumed by it. We came to the conclusion that our heavy marketing will rely on the most famous media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Youtube. Instagram users mostly vary from ages 18-29, Snapchat from 18-24 as well as Youtube who has over 2 billion users that stream videos every single month. We came to the conclusion that our most effective and efficient way to gain audience was through the usage of social media by uploading teasers and advertising our content such as our music as well as ou events and merchandise. From our study cases and research made along the course of this project, famous and well-known artists such as Kiara and SIA use social media and online platforms to market their content. Both artists have a website where they are able to expose their newest production and music videos as well as availability to their merchandise and products. When it comes to soal media, they both use Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube to promote their newest content as they post teasers and mini videos to keep their audiences intrigued and interested.
When it comes to the development of our artist's brand, we tried our creative glasses on, and we came up with the idea of our artist coming from a nationally televised show "The Voice" where she wins the 18th season and automatically gains fans throughout her journey as a contestant. our main goal was not to grow but to maintain the loyalty within the fans and to continue growing a more personal a close relationship between our artist and her fans. We tried to make our artist (Liliana Reed) somehow peculiar and distinctive than other artists in the industry as she freely chooses to demonstrate and reflect her opinion on controversial topics and the well-being of the world through her music.

The marketing products that we created were a few, mostly merchandise that was available for purchase on our website. We created sweatpants, hoodies, sweatshirts, pop-sockets and iPhone cases. we decide toed to vary our selection due to the different perspectives and considering the amount of money that our fans were willing to invest in the artists. We thought that the pop-sockets and the iPhone cases might be a more effective and economical way to expand and increase the name of her brand since it was more economic, now when it comes to the clothing we made it preferably to the fans that might seem devoted or very interested in the artist. The purpose behind it was to find a way for our fans to represent and brand our artist in a similar that we are already doing, some exam[les of the merchandise were:

When it comes to the lessons learned, thanks to my teacher I realized that one can always do better and reach for greater creativity. Even though my project wasn't one that stood out the most, I learned that next time I have to think out the box and reach for greater creativity. One shouldn't be allowed to retrain themselves due to not fear, sometimes you just have to take risks and hope for the best. Now when it comes to the actual marketing and campaign of the music industry, there is so much more than just the artist itself. Managers and directors have to think and analyze every step through the production of products and content and now I understand that really, everything relies on the audiences that consume such media because of were the ones that make each artist famous whether we like or are interested in the content that rach artist releases. Eery decision made relies on the question as to whether audiences will like and benefit from it